How is FPPS rate calculated

FPPS rate = 1 + (Sum of Block Transaction Fees / Sum of Block Subsidies)

You may use data from Blockchair or, but it's easier to work with Blockchair's data which is aggregated by UTC day:


Steps to calculate:

  1. Download desired file from
    1. For example, if you want data for 2023-05-30, then download the file called blockchair_bitcoin_blocks_20230530.tsv.gz
  2. Open and extract the downloaded GZ file using 7-Zip software:
  3. Open the TSV file with Microsoft Excel
  4. Sum up the "fee_total" column to calculate "Sum of Block Transaction Fees" for that day excluding the 3 highest fee and 3 lowest fee blocks
  5. Sum up the "generation" column to calculate "Sum of Block Subsidies" for that day excluding the 3 highest fee and 3 lowest fee blocks
  6. Calculate FPPS rate with this formula:
    1. FPPS rate = 1 + (Sum of Block Transaction Fees / Sum of Block Subsidies)