How to create and manage alerts on the Foundry USA Pool

Users can create and manage alerts through the Foundry USA Pool's API or website. Only users with the "owner" or "technician" user role may create and manage alerts.

Alerts allow users to configure email notifications when hashrate and/or active workers falls below a given threshold.

Only account owners and technicians have access to this feature.

Create Alert

  • To create an alert, navigate to the Alerts view using the side navigation menu:

  • This will take you to the Alerts view where you can create an alert by clicking on the 
    " + Create Alert" button:

  • Once you click on the button, a form will pop out for you to customize your alert:

  • Select the Group and Sub-Account for this alert.
  • Input at least one of Hashrate threshold or Active Workers threshold. 
  • Input at least one valid email address for whom the alert will notify.
  • Note: At least one of Hashrate threshold and Active Workers threshold are required. 
  • Click on "Save" and a success message will appear if the alert is created successfully:

  • Clicking on the shortcut "View Alert Here" will take you to the Manage Alert view.

Manage Alert

  • To manage an alert, navigate to the Manage Alerts view by either clicking on the "Manage Alerts" button:

or the "View Alert Here" shortcut after create an alert: 

  • The Manage Alert view is a table of all the alerts that have been created:

  • The table will display the Sub-Account, Group, the Alert Type, the Alert Threshold, email addresses being notified, and actions available.
  • To see the email addresses notified by this alert, click on the chip under the column "Notifying":

  • To Edit the alert, click on the "Edit" button and a form will pop out for you to edit your alert:

  • Note: At least one of Hashrate threshold and Active Workers threshold are required. 
  • Note: At least one valid email address is required.
  • Once you make the necessary updates, click on the "Save" button and a success message will appear if the alert is saved successfully:

  • To Delete an alert, click on the "Delete" button and you will be asked to confirm that action:

  • Click on "Delete Alert" and a success message will appear if the alert is deleted successfully: