What Are Sub-accounts?

A sub-account allows you to customize view and edit access to specific groups of workers (ASIC miners) within your overall Group Account.

A sub-account lives within your overall Group Account on the Foundry USA Pool. You may create as many sub-accounts as you wish, based on your organization's needs. 

Organizing your workers within different sub-accounts empowers your organization to customize and control access to operational information such as hashrate monitoring, or financial information such as financial overviews.

Within individual sub-accounts, you may:

  1. Create viewer links or financial viewer links to share specific sub-account information with third-parties such as auditors, without giving them view/edit access to your overall  Group Account. 
  2. Connect specific workers (individual or groups of ASIC miners) to the sub-account based on your organization's needs. 
  3. Set payout addresses for your BTC rewards. 
  4. Export individual sub-account hashrate and BTC rewards for operations, accounting and reconciliation purposes.