The different permission sets for user roles on the Foundry USA Pool
Foundry USA Pool has 3 different user roles: “Owner”, “Accountant”, and “Technician”.
Additionally, we offer Viewer Links. The different roles enable users to easily manage who within their organization has access to what type of data.
- Full view and edit permissions across all sub-accounts within the Group Account.
- Manages (add/delete) Accountant or Technician users from the Group Account.
- Can create and view all sub-accounts along with their earnings and transactions.
- Can manage alerts and worker tags.
- Can view and edit payout settings (add or delete payout addresses).
- Can create API keys and viewer links.
- Can view hashrate and workers across all sub-accounts.
- Can view earnings and transactions across all sub-accounts.
- Can view payout settings (add or delete payout addresses).
- Can view hashrate and workers across all sub-accounts.
- Can manage alerts and worker tags within sub-accounts.
- No access to sub-account earnings or transactions information.